Saturday, May 23, 2009

HR 676 - The Good and the Bad - Part 4

Continued from Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Health care delivery facilities must meet regional and State quality and licensing guidelines as a condition of participation under such program, including guidelines regarding safe staffing and quality of care.

This is a measure to appease people who oppose federal involvement in state affairs.

Some states insist on having unnecessarily low standards. "Best Practices" is the idea that everyone should do what has been shown to lead to the best outcomes. We are constantly measuring health care outcomes related to different policies, and it blows my mind that there are factions out there who refuse to do what is best for the people in their care. Mississippi's quidelines for quality of care are not the same as Connecticut's, and Mississippi has significantly worse health care outcomes. A single-payer has a great opportunity to use its leverage to require uniformly high standards instead of allowing states to choose whether or not they will slack off. Residents of Mississippi are still Americans, and the American government has a responsibility to them.

Participating clinicians must be licensed in their State of practice and meet the quality standards for their area of care. No clinician whose license is under suspension or who is under disciplinary action in any State may be a participating provider.

Pretty standard.

Same as above about variance in state standards, but with an added gripe. It is a pain in the tuchas for clinicians to move from one state to another because licensure requirements are all different. Clinicians who live near a border are either stuck working in one direction, or have to go through multiple licensure procedures. I don't know if this constitutes an undue burden on interstate-commerce or what, but it is ridiculous. There should be at least the option of satisfying a single, high standard that would allow clinicians to move without getting a new license. There is a similar situation with gun laws, and many states accept a Florida license because it is more difficult to get than their own. Some states are easier to move to than others.

The complaints in this post are about our current system, and not about HR 676 in particular. It is just that HR 676 is accepting of these problems, and they are included in the bill. Causing as little turmoil as possible will help the bill's progress, though our system really does need some improvements.

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